Become a Beta Reader

Become a Beta Reader

What Is A Beta Reader?

A beta reader is someone who reads your manuscript before it's published, providing feedback on the story, characters, pacing, and overall readability. Unlike professional editors, beta readers offer a reader's perspective, helping you identify plot holes, confusing scenes, or areas where the story could be stronger. They’re invaluable for spotting things you might miss because you’re so close to the work.

How Can I Help?

I’m currently seeking a few beta readers to review my novel. I am doing this in stages and asking people from a range of different backgrounds. Whether you read or lot or haven’t read a book in years, your insight is extremely appreciated. If you are willing to share your honest thoughts, I’d love to hear from you. This is a chance to get a sneak peek at my work and be part of the creative process.

If you're interested, please fill out the form below. Please don’t worry if you don’t receive the manuscript right away, as there may be a round of beta readers already but I will be in contact when it’s ready for more readers and you are more than welcome to opt out at any time.

Let’s work together

I am always looking for beta readers who would be happy to read my work as well as other inspiring authors who want that extra help! If this is something that you’d be happy to help with, please submit the form below.